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"The essence of science lies not in discovering facts, but in discovering new ways of thinking about them"


                  W. L. Bragg 

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Successful Habilitation

Dr.-Ing. habil. Alberto Leonardi has successfully completed his habilitation in the field of Multiscale Simulation of Nanostructured Materials.

I study nano-materials for energy and sustainability applications combining experimental observations with multiscale simulation. My research focuses on advancing our understanding of structure-property relationships in nanostructured material systems, and their influence on kinetics of formation and transformation of crystals. I use scattering and numerical methods to link in-situ observations with mechanical models of materials. I innovate analysis methods of experimental data based on atomistic simulations. I use these new methods to study the contribution of structure order-disorder to the kinetics of formation and transformation, chemical sensitivity, durability, and mechanical properties of multicomponent nano-crystalline materials.


I am highly focused on constantly learning innovative topics, improving my knowledge and ability to carry out research and teaching. I am skilled in modelling and investigating a wide variety of nanostructures from single particles to polycrystalline aggregates, from metals to ceramic materials. I am experienced in developing high-performance algorithms, involving distributed computing (on supercomputer) and parallel computing on both CPUs and GPUs. I conceive innovative methods for simulation and analysis of materials and their characterization techniques. I believe that my broad background in science and engineering has given me a peculiar point of view of material science research.


I developed a strong international profile that provides me with a wide network of collaborations, which supports the success of my high interdisciplinary research. After establishing the base of my research at the University of Trento (Italy), I moved to Indiana University Bloomington (USA), and then to the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (Germany), before joining the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (UK). While challenging, I enjoy the opportunity of working in such highly diverse environments.


My interactions with colleagues and students have encouraged me to observe scientific issues from different perspectives. I have taught for several years at both the academic and high-school grades. I enjoyed the opportunity to teach in these diverse environments for student background, knowledge and learning goals.


  • Materials Science

  • Scattering and Diffraction Methods

  • Multiscale Simulation

  • Scientific Computing, Large Data Analysis

  • Mathematical Modelling, Virtual Experiments

  • Software Development, Programming​

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Dr.-Ing. habil. Alberto Leonardi
| Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
| Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
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